Welcome to all parents, both new and returning! As we conclude a very successful welcome-back BBQ, I want to thank the PAC and all of our wonderful parent volunteers who came out and helped make the event as successful as it was.
Our parent advisory council is having their first meeting of the year on Tuesday, September 17th @ 7:00 PM here at Holy Cross School. Please join us on Tuesday to become a part of the pact. With parent involvement, we will continue putting on amazing events like the Welcome Back BBQ, the used uniform sale, and the grade 8 farewell.
We look forward to having you come out on Tuesday and joining us on the PAC!
Hello Parents! Please find a link to the weekly update for September 16th-20th. In addition to the weekly update Mr. Bilawka has a letter to share with information about our upcoming Terry Fox Walk/Run.
Attention all parents! We are looking for volunteers to assist with the used uniform sale as well as the welcome-back BBQ. If you are interested please email the PAC chair at: pacholycrossschool@gmail.com to volunteer!
Weekly Update September 9th-13th
Welcome back Holy Cross Families! The September newsletter contains important dates for the first third of the school year (September to December) and information about our school and the different events we have happening! Please take the time to read through it. GOOO SAINTS!
A reminder to start the school year for all parents, the program is open from 7 AM to 8:20 AM. Any students arriving at school before 8:20 are expected to go to the program or wait with their parent/guardian in the back parking lot by their assigned classroom pole. Unsupervised students will be redirected to the program. Dismissal is at 3:00 PM from the back doors for 1-8 and the front gym doors for the pre-k students and our kinder students. Any students not picked up by 3:15 will be taken to the program and will be picked up from there. For safety reasons, the program doors will NOT be unlocked until 3:15 when all of our program staff has arrived. Thank you for being so understanding.
Hello Holy Cross Families!
The school year is quickly approaching and we are so excited to welcome you back shortly!
We want to take this time to welcome some new staff to our Holy Cross Team! Thank you to Mrs. Carswell for her time here at Holy Cross School.
Mrs. Jessica San Juan will be joining us as our grade 2 teacher and Mrs. Vera Cruz will be teaching grade 5!
We will be introducing our EA staff in our first newsletter of the school year.
HCS Admin Team
What a year it has been! Thank you Holy Cross Community for your part in making this a wonderful school year!
Please check the website next week for our final newsletter of the year with some information for next September!
Dear Holy Cross Families,
In preparation for the end of the school year, we are letting you know that your child’s next grade teacher’s name will be written on their report card and therefore the report cards need to be picked up on the last day of school. The school office will close as of July 5th and if the report cards are not picked up, we will not be informing people over the phone which teacher your child will have for September. That is the purpose of writing the name on the report cards. The school office will only reopen on August 26, 2024.
Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
Holy Cross School Team
Hello Holy Cross Families,
Please see in addition to our weekly update for the coming week a document regarding tuition and program payments.
Please review the document and if necessary make arrangements with the office.
HCS Admin Team
Attention all Holy Cross Families.
Find attached the information for the Jump Rope for Heart event taking place on
Friday, June 7th in the afternoon.
It will be a $2 donation colour day that and all the other information can be found on the document included in this update.
HCS Admin Team
Jump Rope for Heart Parent/Student Info
In collaboration with the Winnipeg Police Service, we are able to offer our parents an online presentation by the WPS on social media and online gaming. The link to the presentation has been added to our "Safe Schools" on our website (found under "School Life")
Any parents looking for more information on Social Media and Online Gaming and how to talk to their children about it are encouraged to follow the link and view the presentation.
HCS Admin Team
Over spring break we will be upgrading our program cellphone to provide more reliable contact with our program staff both before and after school.
Until this time, we ask that parents come into the program area to pick up their child(ren)
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
HCS Admin Team
Thank you to Dr. Bajaj, Mr. Krawchuck and the Science club for starting the Science Fair season off on great foot!
Students got to participate in a variety of scientific activities as well as enjoy a magic show! Thank you to the volunteers who helped out with the event as well and to all the staff for their work with the students at each of the stations.
Here are some photos from the event and a link to the Global News Story!
Hello Parents,
The PAC would like to put on a pizza lunch for the students in the new year and is looking for more volunteers to assist us with it. If you are available to volunteer during the day and would like to assist with a Pizza lunch please email Natalie Madden @pacholycrossschool@gmail.com to let her know of your interest. Please let the PAC know by December 22nd, 2023 if you are interested. We can only run this event if there are enough volunteers.
Thank you for your assistance!
More details to come in the new year.
Hello Parents,
The PAC would like to put on a pizza lunch for the students in the new year and is looking for volunteers to assist us with it. If you are available to volunteer during the day and would like to assist with a Pizza lunch please email Natalie Madden @pacholycrossschool@gmail.com to let her know of your interest. Please let the PAC know by December 22nd, 2023 if you are interested. We can only run this event if there are enough volunteers.
Thank you for your assistance!
More details to come in the new year.
Congratulations to our Holy Cross Boys volleyball team on finishing 2nd in tier 1 for the MCSAA volleyball season! You made your school and community proud! Way to go boys and on an excellent season and thank you to Mr. Ewchuk, Ms. Cruze, and Mr. Paulic on their coaching this season!
Weekly News Update November 27th-December 1st
Please check the MailChimp for information regarding Conference Manager and Parent Teacher Interviews
Sunday night the Winnipeg Blue Bombers will look to capture the Grey Cup. To show our support for the Bombers, Holy Cross students are encouraged to wear any blue and gold they have in support of the home team! Thursday, November 16th will be a Blue and Gold colour day for all staff and students! Go Bombers Go!
There WILL BE school on Monday. October 2nd, 2023. There is no day off in lieu for National Truth and Reconciliation day. See you all on Monday :)
Attention Parents,
Please remember that it is important that students are picked up promptly from program after school. They need to be picked up by 5:30 PM or an additional charge will be incurred.
Please make sure all contact information provided to the office is current and up to date.
Thank you,
Holy Cross Admin Team