Welcome to the Holy Cross School Science Club. You are involved in an organization that promotes scientific reasoning and learning, hands-on science, community involvement, and good environmental practices.
The scientist will be able to:
Each month students (7th - 8th grades) have the chance to compete against each other in science related events. Many of these events challenge them to create a device that will accomplish a specific task, such as to protect an egg from breaking in the Egg Drop challenge or projects from the Junk Box Wars. Science Club members also participate in Lets’ Talk Science Challenge, Field trips, Scientist in Residence and have the opportunity to participate in various projects in the community, such as Discovery Days, Scavenger Hunt, and bake days.
At the beginning of each year, Science Club application sent home for students to share with their parents. The application form has some questions and that must be signed and returned by a specific deadline. Since many of the events are team events, I encourage students to find a friend or two to join the club with them.
Good behavior is expected at all science club events. Behavior that puts the safety of others at risk results in the loss of science club privileges for the remainder of the year. Members with failing grades are considered ineligible until those grades improve.